MA Political Sci.

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The objective of Master of Arts in Political Science designed for open and distance learning programme is to provide the students an advanced level of understanding of political systems, decision making processes and procedures, institutions and policies at all levels of government. In terms of its contents, it focuses on political ideas of Indian and western thinkers, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, social movements and state politics in India, peace and conflict in international politics etc. Learners would thus acquire skills in political analysis as well as sharpen their critical and analytical abilities. Thus, the programme would help the students in acquiring the necessary skills in political analysis as well as sharpen their critical and analytical abilities. This M.A programme consists of 9 compulsory courses, which will be taught over 2 years. 

Academic Objectives

The main objective of M.A in Political Science is to provide the students a sound base in political studies by an in-depth investigation into broad range of political phenomena at the regional, national and international levels. 



Minimum Duration 2 Years

Maximum Duration 4 years

Evaluation System:

30% Internal Assessment (Class Assessment - CA) based on the assignments to be submitted by the Student

70% End Term Theory 

Term wise Subjects

Programme Fee (Including Examination Fee)

Option 1: Rs 7500 per semester

Option 2: Rs 13000 per year

Option 2: Rs  24000 if paid in lump-sum

Cost of Admission Application Form:

Rs 600/- one time only